Beware of Mr. No-No!!!

Beware of Mr. No-No!!!


Beware of Mr. No-No is a short, fictional chronicle of true life accounts based upon the dark, ongoing social reality of child exploitation. Each year, hundreds and hundreds of innocent children are, either, killed, abused and/or go missing at the iniquitous hands of cruel, merciless, unidentified sexual predators. The cunning character of Mr. No-No can be recognized amongst almost every convict who is listed within the national sex offender’s online registry database. Yet, this villainous trait may be even further identified amongst the many different individuals with whom we make contact with on the most consistent and/or intimate basis – men and women alike. In other words, the underlying portrait of Mr. No-No is not simply that of a specific person or of an ordinary human being. But rather, it is a bona fide spirit of wickedness, solely, seeking to objectify the vulnerable, while at the same time, exploiting their innocence.

The co-authors of this book have put forth a genuine effort in helping to fight against the nefarious “Spirit of Mr. No-No.” And it is with your continued support – in raising our children’s awareness – that we may all be successful in this endeavor within the very near future. Peace & Blessings – Alicia White & Victor Walker

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SKU: BWNN92 Categories: , Tags: , Product ID: 353


Format: Paperback
Catagory: Children Fiction
Released: January 7, 2016
ISBN: 978-1940831183
© 2016 Mocy Publishing, LLC

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