Pictures From The Exhibition

Pictures From The Exhibition


This book is a about a crime that took place in Detroit, LA and Chicago. Based on a true story, this book will have you at the edge of your seat. Restoring order can be very difficult when you’re coming from prison but one man has an answer. With an amazing plot this book will have you in total suspense.

This book is also about you and me. About how the power of money is dominating our society, love and friendship. The young generation today is so confused that they are losing their sense of reality. A reality that holds ever person responsible for their actions.
Please read my book and pass the word to your friends and family. One day when we restore our basic instinct, we may feel free again. ~Mack Wolodkowicz

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SKU: PFAE292 Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 177


Format: Paperback
Catagory: True Crime / General
Released: April 25, 2012
ISBN: 978-0983470069
© 2012 Mocy Publishing, LLC

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
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